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Unable to start spring-boot application after configuring spring-session-data-redis

After configuring spring-session-data-redis in a demo spring-boot project, bootRun task fails with the following message:



Parameter 0 of method redisTemplate in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.redis.RedisAutoConfiguration required a bean of type 'org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnectionFactory' that could not be found.
    - Bean method 'redisConnectionFactory' not loaded because @ConditionalOnClass did not find required classes 'org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool', 'redis.clients.jedis.Jedis'
    - Bean method 'redisConnectionFactory' not loaded because @ConditionalOnClass did not find required class 'io.lettuce.core.RedisClient'


Consider revisiting the entries above or defining a bean of type 'org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnectionFactory' in your configuration.

What I've done (a.k.a. steps to reproduce):
1. Used Spring Initializr to create a [Gradle with Java and Spring Boot 2.1.0 M1 + Web dependency] project.
2. Followed the Spring Session - Spring Boot instructions to configure Spring Session. More specifically:
- added compile 'org.springframework.session:spring-session-data-redis' to build.gradle's dependencies block
- configured the store type by adding spring.session.store-type=redis to application.properties file
- configured the connection properties (in application.properties file): spring.redis.host, spring.redis.password and spring.redis.port with relevant values
3. Executed ./gradlew bootRun from the root of the project and received the above error

1. As far as I'm understand from the error message, RedisConnectionFactory failed to load because it can't find neither Jedis nor Lettuce drivers. Shouldn't spring-session-data-redis bring one of those drivers by default?
2. How to resolve this issue in case I want to use the Jedis driver?
3. How to resolve this issue in case I want to use the Lettuce driver?

like image 853
Alex Lipov Avatar asked Aug 08 '18 08:08

Alex Lipov

2 Answers

As @M.Deinum mentioned, spring-session-data-redis (version 2.1.0.M1) doesn't pull Jedis or Lettuce drivers.

Add the latest Jedis driver as explicit dependency:

dependencies {  
    // ...  
    compile 'redis.clients:jedis:2.9.0'  

Either add spring-boot-starter-data-redis (which pulls in Lettuce driver) or the latest Lettuce driver as explicit dependency:

dependencies {  
    // ...  
    compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis'  
    // OR
    compile 'io.lettuce:lettuce-core:5.0.5.RELEASE' 
like image 158
Alex Lipov Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Alex Lipov

There is 2 implementation of RedisConnectionFactory are comes with spring-session-data-redis

(1) lettuce (default) - https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-session/issues/789

(2) Jedis

Since lettuce & Jedis dependency are optional u have to have explicit dependency. u can put dependency to either one of it. (u can have both but Spring redis implementation stater used lettuce as a default implementation)


like image 2
Shehan Fernando Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Shehan Fernando