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"Unable to resolve module" debuggerWorker errors in recent react-native releases



I keep my project(s) relatively up to date with the latest RN releases. This error seems to be coming up more and more lately.

Error: Unable to resolve module `./debugger-ui/debuggerWorker.d9da4ed7` from ``:

None of these files exist:
  * debugger-ui/debuggerWorker.d9da4ed7(.native|.native.js|.js|.native.json|.json|.native.ts|.ts|.native.tsx|.tsx)

Really makes it hard when trying to debug issues and a debugger statement does noting and errors are not reported to the browser tab where the console output goes.

I've already tried wiping node_modules. Is this a known issue with a concrete fix available?

like image 245
bobber205 Avatar asked Jan 13 '20 22:01


Video Answer

1 Answers

Got stuck with this exact issue for hours. Just found that this occurs only on device where app is already installed with debug mode enabled.

I fixed it by:

  • uninstalling manually app from device (cmd+H to display simulator home) then long click on app icon and click on cross to delete app => this forces disabling debug mode,
  • then run app again from xcode.

Enabling debug mode after that works normally.

like image 63
ebaynaud Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
