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Unable to remove a URL rewrite from IIS7

I've spent hours trying to solve this so I'm posting as a last resort..

I've tried removing some URL rewrites that were pointing a webpage from HTTP to HTTPS.

Upon deleting the rewrite it is still sending me to HTTPS. I've tried; Manually editing the web.config Restarting website Restarting IIS server Restarting IIS admin service Rebooting server

None of the above seems to stop the rewrite at all..

Is there something I am missing?

like image 621
moodah Avatar asked Mar 21 '12 00:03


People also ask

How do I disable URL Rewrite?

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager > Servername > Sites > example.com > URL rewrite. Select each rewrite rule and disable them by clicking on Disable Rule.

How remove URL Rewrite module IIS?

Answers. Heh, of course...go to "Add or Remove Programs" and find "Microsoft URL Rewrite Module..."... choose uninstall. After doing that, and then re-installing it all works nicely again.

How do you check URL Rewrite is installed?

Checking if the URL Rewrite module is installed To see if the URL Rewrite module is installed, open IIS Manager and look in the IIS group - if the module is installed, an icon named URL Rewrite will be present.

1 Answers

I had the same problem with IIS express - removing rewrite section from web.config was unsuccessful. Solution - clean a browser's cache.

like image 127
eLVik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
