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Unable to publish vs code extension

When trying to publish vs code extension using the vsce tool as so :

vsce publish


vsce package

I get always the same error :

Error: Make sure to edit the README.md file before you publish your extension.

Obviously, I have updated the README.md file accordingly to what the extension does. But the error keeps on showing.

This was right after I set up a publisher account and access token with

vsce create-publisher (publisher name)

I am sure the problem is elsewhere but the error message is not saying what it is.

Windows 10 64 bits [Window Title] Visual Studio Code

[Main Instruction] Visual Studio Code


Version 1.22.2 Commit 3aeede733d9a3098f7b4bdc1f66b63b0f48c1ef9 Date 2018-04-12T16:38:45.278Z Shell 1.7.12 Renderer 58.0.3029.110 Node 7.9.0 Architecture x64

Did someone come across this error ?

like image 242
Mehdi Avatar asked Apr 27 '18 04:04


People also ask

Why my VS Code extension is not working?

Views and more Actions click Disable All Installed Extensions then Enable All Extensions . Restart VSCode and it should be done; -) You can make sure again that the extensions are enabled.. Good Luck !

How do I enable an extension in Visual Studio?

To open the Manage Extensions dialog, choose Extensions > Manage Extensions. Or, type Extensions in the search box and choose Manage Extensions. The pane on the left categorizes extensions by those that are installed, those available on Visual Studio Marketplace (Online), and those that have updates available.

1 Answers

Ok, so the problem was that very first line of the README that says : "This is the README of your extension " Although I have made changes all over the file, that line was making the vsce stop the publish process. Just removed that line and it all worked fine! Extension is called surround-with for those who want to try it.

like image 92
Mehdi Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 21:01
