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Unable to properly connect to Redis in Kubernetes

On my macOS (not using Minikube), I have modeled my Kubernetes cluster after this example, which means I have executed this verbatim and in this order:

# Adding my own service to redix-proxy
kubectl create -f ./redis/redis-service.yaml

# Create a bootstrap master
kubectl create -f examples/storage/redis/redis-master.yaml

# Create a service to track the sentinels
kubectl create -f examples/storage/redis/redis-sentinel-service.yaml

# Create a replication controller for redis servers
kubectl create -f examples/storage/redis/redis-controller.yaml

# Create a replication controller for redis sentinels
kubectl create -f examples/storage/redis/redis-sentinel-controller.yaml

# Scale both replication controllers
kubectl scale rc redis --replicas=3
kubectl scale rc redis-sentinel --replicas=3

# Adding my own NodeJS web client server
kubectl create -f web-deployment.yaml

The only difference is in redis-proxy.yaml I used the image image: kubernetes/redis-proxy instead of image: kubernetes/redis-proxy:v2 because I wasn't able to pull the latter.

These are the objects I pass to ioredis to create my Redis instances (one for sessions and one as the main one):


main: {
  host: 'redis',
  port: 6379,
  db: 5
session: {
  host: 'redis',
  port: 6379,
  db: 6

Error logs:

In my web client web-3448218364-sf1q0 pod, I get this repeated in the logs:

INFO: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Connected to Redis event
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }
INFO: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Connected to Redis event
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }
INFO: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Connected to Redis event
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: connect ETIMEDOUT] errorno: 'ETIMEDOUT', code: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' }
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: connect ETIMEDOUT] errorno: 'ETIMEDOUT', code: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' }
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: connect ETIMEDOUT] errorno: 'ETIMEDOUT', code: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' }
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: connect ETIMEDOUT] errorno: 'ETIMEDOUT', code: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect' }
INFO: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Connected to Redis event
WARN: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Redis Connection Error:  { [Error: read ECONNRESET] code: 'ECONNRESET', errno: 'ECONNRESET', syscall: 'read' }
INFO: ctn/53 on web-3448218364-sf1q0: Connected to Redis event

In my Redis redis-proxy pod, I get this repeated in the logs:

Error connecting to read: dial tcp :0: connection refused

Cluster info:

$ kubectl get svc
NAME                      CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes           <none>           443/TCP          2d
redis              <none>           6379/TCP         31m
redis-sentinel     <none>           26379/TCP        31m
web                 <none>           80/TCP           31m

$ kubectl get po
NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
redis-2frd0                 1/1       Running   0          34m
redis-master                2/2       Running   0          34m
redis-n4x6f                 1/1       Running   0          34m
redis-proxy                 1/1       Running   0          34m
redis-sentinel-k8tbl        1/1       Running   0          34m
redis-sentinel-kzd66        1/1       Running   0          34m
redis-sentinel-wlzsb        1/1       Running   0          34m
web-3448218364-sf1q0        1/1       Running   0          34m

$ kubectl get deploy
web         1         1         1            1           39m

Question 1) Now, I need to actually connect my application to a Redis pod. I should be connecting to the redis-proxy pod right? So, I created this redis-service.yaml service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: redis
    - port: 6379
      targetPort: 6379
    name: redis-proxy
    role: proxy

I believe I have connected to redis at port 6379 since I usually will get another error message if this is so. Going into the bash shell of my web container web-3448218364-sf1q0, I see the printenv variables of REDIS_SERVICE_PORT=6379 and REDIS_SERVICE_HOST=

Question 2) From my error logs, what does it mean by dial tcp :0:? From my interactive Kubernetes console under Services and in the Internal Endpoints column, I see this for the redis service:

redis:6379 TCP
redis:0 TCP

Is this 0 TCP related to that? All of my services have 0 TCP listed in the console, but as you can see, not from the CLI in kubectl get svc.

like image 380
writofmandamus Avatar asked Mar 16 '17 00:03


People also ask

Could not connect to Redis at Redis?

Firewall restriction is another common reason that can trigger the “could not connect to Redis connection refused”. By default Redis server listen to the TCP port 6379. If another application is using the port or if the firewall restrictions blocks the port, it can trigger the connection refused error.

Can you run Redis in Kubernetes?

The ConfigMap in the Kubernetes cluster is a key-value store. You can use the config information of Redis in the Kubernetes cluster as a ConfigMap.

How Redis works in Kubernetes?

The Redis Enterprise Kubernetes Operator manages the cluster custom resource by automating the deployments and configuration of the Kubernetes primitives, scaling, upgrades, and recoveries of Redis Enterprise cluster elements—things that a human admin would do are delegated to the Redis Enterprise Operator.

Why could not connect to Redis?

Most webmasters and web hosts that use Redis would have seen this error: Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused It is usually caused when the Redis service is stopped in the server. As part of our Server Management Services for online service providers and website owners, we have seen several other causes for this error.

How do I deploy a Redis database in Kubernetes?

Deploy Redis Using StatefulSet StatefulSet is a Kubernetes object used to deploy stateful applications such as MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, and ElasticSearch. You can use the Deployment object if you are planning to deploy stateless applications such as PHP, Jave, or Perl.

Is your Redis cluster ready on the Linode Kubernetes Engine (lke)?

This article makes use of Redis version 6, and the code is tested on the Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE). Follow the step-by-step instructions here, and your Redis cluster will be ready without any trouble.

How to synchronize Redis cluster with master and slaves?

You created a Redis cluster with one master and two slaves. The pod redis-0 will act as master and the pods redis-1 and redis-2 will act as slaves. Check the logs of the master pod, and you can see the replication and synchronization with the slave pods: The above diagram shows the master pod in sync with two slave pods.

1 Answers

Always the first thing to check when a kubernetes service does not behave as expected is to check the endpoints of the corresponding service. In your case kubectl get ep redis.

If my assumption is correct it should show you something like this

redis     <none>      42d

This means that your service does not select/match any pods.

In your service spec there is the key selector: this selector has to match the labels of the actual deployment you have. You are selecting for all pods with the labels name: redis-proxy and role: proxy which are potentially not matching any pod.

You can run kubectl get pod --show-labels=true to show the labels on the pods and change your service accordingly.

I don't know what the port 0 means in this context. Sometimes it is used to do only DNS resolution with the service.

like image 181
Ohmen Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
