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unable to parse Procfile

I am trying to deploy an Heroku app.

I must be doing something wrong with the Procfile. When I run foreman check I get this error.

ERROR: no processes defined

I get pretty much the same thing when deploying on Heroku

-----> Building runtime environment
-----> Discovering process types

 !     Push failed: cannot parse Procfile.

The Procfile looks like this

web: node app.js

What did I miss?

update I re-did all from the start, It works properly now. I think I might have issue with Unix line ending

like image 570
platane Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 20:11


2 Answers

I had the same issue, using VSCode I changed file to UTF-8 (bottom right), saved file and pushed it - and it was successful.

like image 103
Pjotrs Osnovskis Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Pjotrs Osnovskis

Open your current Procfile with notepad. Create a new Procfile.txt and paste the content of your original Procfile . Save your Procfile and replace it with your new Procfile

like image 21
jhuguz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09
