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Unable to open the service 'Tomcat7'


People also ask

How do I start tomcat7?

You can use tomcat7w.exe for start/stop tomcat service. Show activity on this post. Start Tomcat7w.exe (GUI application).

What is tomcat7 service?

Tomcat7 is a service application for running Tomcat 7 as a Windows service. Tomcat monitor application. Tomcat7w is a GUI application for monitoring and configuring Tomcat services. The available command line options are: //ES//

How do I start tomcat7 in Ubuntu?

Type in sudo service tomcat7 start and then hit Enter : You will receive the following message indicating the server is started: To stop the Tomcat server, type in sudo service tomcat7 start and then hit Enter in the original terminal window: You will receive a message indicating the Tomcat server has been stopped.

Why my Apache Tomcat server is not starting?

Finding cause. Most common issue with Tomcat note starting is that Java is not configured properly, user trying to start Tomcat does not have permissions to do so, or another program is using port 8080 on that server.

Hi I installed Apache Tomcat 7 through windows installer.And just restarted my system and Im getting the Error

Application System Error Access is denied. Unable to open the service 'Tomcat7'