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Unable to install MySQL on Windows 10 - Installer hangs indefinitely


I am trying to install MySQL on a Windows 10 PC. I downloaded the installer package and followed those steps

  1. Went to https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/
  2. clicked on "MySQL Installer"
  3. Scrolled to Generally Available(GA) Releases section
  4. Clicked on "Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer" (mysql-installer-community- and it started the download.
  5. Once the download was complete, I double clicked on the installer and it gave a usual pop-up for any installation like,"Do you want this app to make changes to your device?" after clicking on "yes" for the answer to this question, it shows "Please wait while Windows configures MySQL-Installer-community" like below screenshot.

enter image description here

And then it keeps showing this installation progress bar for a very long time. Like more than 7-8 hours and the installation never completes

So it seems something is wrong as I don't think MySQL installation needs this long time. I tried to restart my computer and then delete any files related to MySQL from my computer and then started the whole process of installation again. But no luck yet

Anyone has any suggestion on this or did anyone face this kind of issue before? If so, is there a fix or a work around for this?

like image 608
KRM Avatar asked Jan 23 '18 23:01


People also ask

Why I Cannot install MySQL on Windows 10?

Re-run Installer From Start Menu Once the installer has completed, if the original attempt to install MySQL has failed, go to your Start Menu and look for an application called "MySQL installer". When you run the Application, you may be able to choose your configuration.

1 Answers

ok. So finally this is how I resolved my issue. And I found the solution at https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=82004 . The solution to this problem is to close an open "Windows installer" (the one using 0 memory and CPU) via task manager and the installation should begin running as expected.

like image 67
KRM Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10