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Unable to import isotope plugin---"$(container).isotope is not a function"

I've had zero luck with getting the Metafizzy Isotope plugin working. The Network tab shows that it's not coming through.

I installed isotope-layout and required it in my main-file.js, but the code fails to recognize $(container).isotope.

enter image description here

The part that's blacked out is the actual name of main-file.js.

I'm also working with webpack and have wondered if it's part of the problem, but I can't say for sure.


// css imports here

import "jquery/dist/jquery.min.js";
import "bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js";

import mainfile from "./SiteAssets/scripts/main-file.js";


import axios from "axios";
import "@babel/polyfill/dist/polyfill.js";

var isotope = require('isotope-layout'); // Seeing "'isotope' is declared but its value is never read

// var isotope = require('imports-loader?$=jquery!isotope-layout/dist/isotope.pkgd');

// import isotope from "isotope-layout";

let myClass,

export default class {
    constructor() {
        myClass = this;
        // a few irrelevant things here



     loadSpecFilter() {
        var $grid = $('.keyContactDiv').isotope({
            itemSelector: '.grid-item',
            // layoutMode: 'fitRows',
            getSortData: {
                name: '.spec-name'

        $('#filters').on( 'click', 'button', function() {
            var sortByValue = $(this).attr('data-sort-by');
            $grid.isotope({ sortBy: sortByValue });

        $('.button-group').each( function( i, buttonGroup ) {
            var $buttonGroup = $( buttonGroup );
            $buttonGroup.on( 'click', 'button', function() {
                $( this ).addClass('is-checked');



<div class="container">
   <div class="filters">
        <div class="btn-group button-group">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-info filter-item" data-filter="*">Show All</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-info filter-item" data-sort-by="spec-name">A-Z</button>
            <!-- some other buttons here -->

Finally, I used JS and jQuery to create the div elements that I want to filter. Here's a screencap:


like image 410
Tsardines Avatar asked Jun 04 '20 16:06


People also ask

How to initialize isotope in HTML without JavaScript?

You can initialize Isotope in HTML, without writing any JavaScript. Add data-isotope attribute to the container element. Options can be set in its value. Options set in HTML must be valid JSON. Keys need to be quoted, for example "itemSelector":.

How do I add isotope to my website?

Include the Isotope .js file in your site. Isotope works on a container element with a group of similar child items. All sizing of items is handled by your CSS. You can use Isotope as a jQuery plugin: $ ( 'selector' ).isotope (). You can use Isotope with vanilla JS: new Isotope ( elem, options ) .

Can I use isotope in my commercial applications?

Once purchased, you’ll receive a commercial license PDF and be all set to use Isotope in your commercial applications. If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3, you may use Isotope under the terms of the GPLv3.

How to use isotope with Vanilla JS?

You can use Isotope with vanilla JS: new Isotope (elem, options). The Isotope () constructor accepts two arguments: the container element and an options object. var elem = document.querySelector ('.grid'); var iso = new Isotope(elem, { itemSelector: '.grid-item', layoutMode: 'fitRows' }); var iso = new Isotope('.grid', { });

1 Answers

Try this:

npm install jquery
npm install jquery-bridget

import $ from 'jquery';
import jQueryBridget from 'jquery-bridget';
import Isotope from 'isotope-layout';

// make Isotope a jQuery plugin
jQueryBridget( 'isotope', Isotope, $ );
// now you can use $().isotope()
  // options...


import $ from "jquery";
import Isotope from "isotope-layout";

var grid = document.querySelector('.grid');
var iso = new Isotope( grid, {
          itemSelector: ".all",
          percentPosition: true,
          masonry: {
            columnWidth: ".all"
$('.filters ul li').click(function() { // To filter your isotope.
    var data = $(this).attr('data-filter');
       filter: data // All grid items
like image 164
Ikechukwu Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10
