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Unable to generate new signed apk Password verification failed

I have generated an app bundle and published it in the play store successfully. Now I am trying to generate a signed apk(to test in device) and I am getting Password verification failed. I googled and tried every solutions found in stackoverflow, but nothing solved my problem. Then I tried generating a new keystore with new alias and passwords. Again I am getting same error for the new keystore also. I am using Android Studio 3.3, gradle 3.3.1. enter image description here

like image 765
Suresh Kumar Avatar asked Feb 08 '19 03:02

Suresh Kumar

2 Answers

I was with the same problem.
Try to clean Project and then Rebuild Project!
It Solved my problem

like image 147
Donkaike Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10


I ran into the same problem on upgrade to android studio 4.2.

The following steps solved the problem:

  1. Update gradle plugin to the latest
  2. Build -> Clean project
  3. File -> Invalidate caches / restart
  4. Build -> generate signed bundle / apk...
  5. Delete the existing pre-typed passwords, and type them again.
like image 34
wiz Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10
