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Unable to focus an input using JavaScript in IE11

I'm unable to get IE11 to focus an input element after it is inserted into the DOM. The element won't receive text input after being focused, but its placeholder text is no longer visible. The element is created by React, and I'm accessing it through React's refs object in componentDidMount:

componentDidMount() {

I have tried adding a short delay using setTimeout:

componentDidMount() {
    setTimeout(() => this.refs.input.getDOMNode().focus(), 10);

I have also tried adding a tabIndex of "1" to the input.

In case it's helpful, here is the rendered JSX:

<div style={style}>
    <div style={labelStyle}>Enter a name to begin.</div>

    <form onSubmit={this.submit} style={formStyle}>
             placeholder="New User Name" 
        <button {...this.getBrowserStateEvents()} style={this.buildStyles(buttonStyle)}>Create</button>

Is there some trick to getting focus to work in IE11 that I'm unaware of?

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SimpleJ Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 16:08


People also ask

Does IE 11 support JavaScript?

Internet Explorer 11 doesn't support JavaScript versions later than ES5. If you want to use the syntax and features of ECMAScript 2015 or later, or TypeScript, you have two options as described in this article. You can also combine these two techniques.

What is focus () JavaScript?

focus() Javascript focus() methods helps to highlight a HTML form element. It sets the element as an active element in the current document. In current documentation, focus can be applied to only one single element. The focus can be applied either to a text, a button, etc.

How do you make an input field focused?

To set focus to an HTML form element, the focus() method of JavaScript can be used. To do so, call this method on an object of the element that is to be focused, as shown in the example. Example 1: The focus() method is set to the input tag when user clicks on Focus button.

3 Answers

The issue was focusing in IE11 is broken when the css property -ms-user-select: none is applied to the input. So by changing:

* {
  -ms-user-select: none;


*:not(input) {
  -ms-user-select: none;

I was able to solve the problem. Here is a codepen for reproducing the issue: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/yNrJZz

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SimpleJ Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10


As stated in https://stackoverflow.com/a/31971940, running element.focus() has no effect in IE11 when the css property -ms-user-select: none is set. A workaround can be

element.style['-ms-user-select'] = 'text';
element.style['-ms-user-select'] = '';

Does not work in IE: https://codepen.io/macjohnny-zh/details/WPXWvy
(Code: https://codepen.io/macjohnny-zh/pen/WPXWvy)

Works in IE, too: https://codepen.io/macjohnny-zh/details/LqOvbZ
(Code: https://codepen.io/macjohnny-zh/pen/LqOvbZ)

Note: this also happens e.g. for

:-ms-input-placeholder {
  -ms-user-select: none;

See https://github.com/angular/material2/issues/15093

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Esteban Gehring Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Esteban Gehring

I don't think that your issue is coming from the focus() function, I think it's coming from the selector.

To prove it I just opened my IE11 and tried to focus the SO search input on the top right of the page using the following command:


So, just open your IE console (F12) and type that, it should focus the search input. If so, then the issue is coming from the selector which isn't an input as you may think.

It works on my IE 11.0.9600.17905

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Vadorequest Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10
