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Unable to find web.xml in netbeans 7.0.1


People also ask

Where is the Web XML file in NetBeans?

xml Location. The web. xml file is located in the Web Pages/WEB-INF folder.

Why does NetBeans not have Java web?

Check the box for "Java EE Base" (note: on older NetBeans versions, the plugin to install was called "Java Web Applications"). Click the "Install" button. Click your way through the dialogs until the plugin and its dependencies are installed. Restart the IDE.

Does NetBeans support XML?

NetBeans supports XML natively, so there are no plugins to install or hidden options to enable. However, NetBeans is project-centric. It assumes, by design, that every file you create belongs to a Java project.

I want to upload a file to a server, for which I am writing a servlet program.The location of the directory where the document would be uploaded should be fetched from a parameter in web.xml. I have not use web.xml before and only know that it makes entries for each servlet. I am not able to see this file in my web application project that i am making in netbeans. Please help me with this. Thank you.