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Unable to create Genymotion virtual devices:Connection timeout

I have successfully installed Genymotion and Virtualbox ,but not able to create virtual devices. The error message as

Unable to create Virtual Device: Connection timeout.

My network connection is ok.And the 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable**' cannot change installation path(it is installed in the path:E:),making the E disk a mass.

like image 763
Carfield Avatar asked Oct 31 '13 07:10


Video Answer

1 Answers

Check the /home/user/.Genymobile/Genymotion/genymotion.log file and at last 10 lines of the file you will get somthing like this:

 Nov 7 06:39:54 [Genymotion] [Debug] Check that file is not already present 
    Nov 7 06:39:54 [Genymotion] [Debug] Getting currently authenticated user from  Hub 
    Nov 7 06:39:54 [Genymotion] [Debug] Network request to URL:  "/customer/me/" 
    Nov 7 06:39:56 [Genymotion] [Debug] Getting currently authenticated user from  local cache 
    Nov 7 06:39:56 [Genymotion] [Debug] Launching download 
    Nov 7 06:39:57 [Genymotion] [Debug] Remote file size: 214548480 ,current local file size: 0 
    Nov 7 06:39:57 [Genymotion] [Debug] writting to local file with mode OpenMode( "WriteOnly" ) 
    Nov 7 06:39:57 [Genymotion] [Debug] Downloading file  "http://files2.genymotion.com/dists/4.1.1/ova/genymotion_vbox86t_4.1.1_130923_161308_w_gapps.ova" 
    Nov 7 06:39:57 [Genymotion] [Debug] Start timer 
    Nov 7 06:40:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] Timeout 
    Nov 7 06:40:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] Error code  2 :  ""

Then copy the link for the virtual device which is http://files2.genymotion.com/dists/4.1.1/ova/genymotion_vbox86t_4.1.1_130923_161308_w_gapps.ova and paste it on web browsers address bar and press enter. It will start downloading the image file. Then put this image file to /home/user/.Genymobile/Genymotion/ova/ and restart Genymotion.

like image 163
HemantKumar Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10
