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Unable to change the security group of a network interface

I want to delete a security group, sg-d578d9ab, in my AWS account.

I got the following message when trying to delete it.

These security groups are associated with one or more network interfaces. Delete the network interfaces, or associate them with different security groups. View your network interfaces.

enter image description here

In order to solve the problem, I opened the Network Interfaces page to see which network interface is using sg-d578d9ab.

It turns out there's 1 network interface that's using the security group.

Then I use Change Security Groups option to dissociate the security group from the network interface.

Then I got a message saying

You do not have permission to access the specified resource.

Why can't I change the security group of the network interface?

My AWS account has AdministratorAccess permission.

The Attachment owner and Owner ID properties of the network interface are amazon-rds. This seems to be the reason I can't change its security group.

Does this mean that the network interface is created when someone else sets up an AWS RDS?

like image 371
Brian Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 10:10


1 Answers

The security group, sg-d578d9ab, is used by one of my RDS instances.

After dissociating the RDS instance and the security group. I'm able to delete the security group.

like image 147
Brian Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
