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Unable to build and install Valgrind on macOS High Sierra

I cannot install Valgrind on macOS High Sierra. It's not available through brew. I've tried with 3.10. After make install, I get this message:

configure: error: Valgrind works on Darwin 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 13.x and 14.x (Mac OS X 10.6/7/8/9/10)

Homebrew says:

valgrind: This formula either does not compile or function as expected on macOS
versions newer than Sierra due to an upstream incompatibility.
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
like image 870
Alexander Kleinhans Avatar asked Feb 09 '18 22:02

Alexander Kleinhans

People also ask

Does valgrind work on macOS?

x and later), ARM64/Android, X86/Android (4.0 and later), MIPS32/Android, X86/FreeBSD, AMD64/FreeBSD, X86/Darwin and AMD64/Darwin (Mac OS X 10.12). Valgrind is Open Source / Free Software, and is freely available under the GNU General Public License, version 2.

Can you download Valgrind on Mac?

Valgrind is a programming tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection and profiling. Its installation for macOS High Sierra seems problematic and I wanted to write this post to tell the solution that worked for me. I use Homebrew to install it which is the recommended way and the solution also uses it.

1 Answers

I had the problem like this. So, I found the solving. You should install valgrind by this code brew install --HEAD valgrind

like image 130
Yuriy Lesyo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10

Yuriy Lesyo