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UML diagram for function calls [closed]


Which UML diagram is best suited for depicting function calls? Also are there any diagrams where we can also mention the parameters that we pass to the called functions?

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Softice Avatar asked Jan 19 '10 13:01


People also ask

How do you show a function call in UML?

Sequence diagrams are appropriate to represent function calls, and you can specify the parameters and returned values as well. Show activity on this post. Communication Diagrams are also an option and tend to go into more detail with regards to parameters used within function calls.

Can you use UML for functional programming?

UML isn't only class diagrams. Most of the other diagram types (Use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams...) are perfectly applicable for a purely functional programming style.

Which UML diagram corresponds to functional model of a system?

Use Case Diagram We notice three main components of this UML diagram: Functional requirements – represented as use cases; a verb describing an action. Actors – they interact with the system; an actor can be a human being, an organization or an internal or external application.

1 Answers

Sequence diagrams are appropriate to represent function calls, and you can specify the parameters and returned values as well.

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Otávio Décio Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

Otávio Décio