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UIViewPropertyAnimator - simply stop all animations, rather than a specific one?

In UIViewPropertyAnimator, is there a way to just stop all UIViewPropertyAnimator animations?

Or perhaps simply get all current animations - then of course you could stop them all.

Can this be done?

Or do you really have to

  • (a) do only one per UIViewPropertyAnimator,


  • (b) keep a reference to each of those?
like image 906
Fattie Avatar asked Dec 15 '17 00:12


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What is uiviewpropertyanimator in iOS?

UIViewPropertyAnimator was introduced in iOS 10. It allows you to create animations in object-oriented way. Let’s have at a sample animation created using UIViewPropertyAnimator.

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1 Answers

Every animation has to have atleast one UIViewPropertyAnimator instance. In order to stop the animation, we have to explicitly call stopAnimation(_:) on the animator instance.

A way would be to make a factory class to fetch UIViewPropertyAnimator instance and keep track of it in a set or array. And then use this factory class to stop or start all the animations at once. Or use one UIViewPropertyAnimator to perform all your animations and stop it.

like image 200
Arun Balakrishnan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Arun Balakrishnan