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UIView Shadow Gradient

I have created a custom UIView in my iOS project that has a drop shadow. My aim is to apply the same gradient to the shadow as it is on the view's background.

Below is an example of how my current solid colour shadows look.

Shadow Example This is done through a subclass of UIView with the below code:

override func layoutSubviews() {
    let gradientLayer = layer as! CAGradientLayer
    gradientLayer.colors = [topColor.cgColor, bottomColor.cgColor]
    gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPoint(x: startPointX, y: startPointY)
    gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x: endPointX, y: endPointY)
    layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
    layer.shadowColor = shadowColor.cgColor
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: shadowX, height: shadowY)
    layer.shadowRadius = shadowBlur
    layer.shadowOpacity = 1

    let inset: CGFloat = bounds.width * 0.05
    layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: bounds.insetBy(dx: inset, dy: 0.0), cornerRadius: cornerRadius).cgPath

I have been playing around with creating a second gradient layer and masking it to the shadow but have had no luck. Please point me in the right direction!

like image 705
calebmanley Avatar asked Sep 27 '17 10:09


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There are many ways to create background gradients, below is just one simple approach: In a new Xcode iOS project, open Main. storyboard, from the Object Library drag a new View onto the View Controller. Set the View's top, bottom, left and right constraints to be zero and ensure 'Constrain to margins' is deselected.

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2 Answers

I think you can't do more with standard CALayer shadow. Take a look at filters property of CALayer.


Create second CAGradientLayer and apply a GausianBlur filter for example.


Disable standard layer shadows and add your blurred layer as sublayer.

like image 91
Jacek Głazik Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Jacek Głazik

Use my code for your requirement available in my gitRepo https://github.com/Krishnarjun-Banoth/BlurView/tree/master/Shadows

Step1: Just drag and drop BlurEffect.swift file in your project.

Step2: Then simply Use below View extension methods for each one your views individually.

  testView.applyGradient(colours: [UIColor.blue,UIColor.orange]) //pass your required colours.
  testView.blur(blurRadius: 5.0)

Note: Inspired from @Jacek Głazik answer and FlexMonkey's tutorial.

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Krishnarjun Banoth Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Krishnarjun Banoth