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UITextField secureTextEntry bullets with a custom font?

I’m using a custom font in a UITextField, which has secureTextEntry turned on. When I’m typing in the cell, I see the bullets in my chosen font, but when the field loses focus, those bullets revert to the system standard font. If I tap the field again, they change back to my font, and so on.

Is there a way I can ensure that they continue to display the custom font’s bullets, even when the field is out of focus?

enter image description hereenter image description here

like image 871
Luke Avatar asked Jan 07 '14 10:01


2 Answers

A subclass that works this issue around. Create an arbitrary UITextField, then set the secure property to YES (via KVC in IB).

Actually it implements a comment suggested by lukech. When textfield ends editing, it switches to an arbitrary textfield, then set a bulk of dots into, and some hack in text accessor to always get the actual text the field holds.

@interface SecureTextFieldWithCustomFont : UITextField @property (nonatomic) BOOL secure; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *actualText; @end   @implementation SecureTextFieldWithCustomFont   -(void)awakeFromNib {     [super awakeFromNib];      if (self.secureTextEntry)     {         // Listen for changes.         [self addTarget:self action:@selector(editingDidBegin) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidBegin];         [self addTarget:self action:@selector(editingDidChange) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged];         [self addTarget:self action:@selector(editingDidFinish) forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEnd];     } }  -(NSString*)text {     if (self.editing || self.secure == NO)     { return [super text]; }      else     { return self.actualText; } }  -(void)editingDidBegin {     self.secureTextEntry = YES;     self.text = self.actualText; }  -(void)editingDidChange { self.actualText = self.text; }  -(void)editingDidFinish {     self.secureTextEntry = NO;     self.actualText = self.text;     self.text = [self dotPlaceholder]; }  -(NSString*)dotPlaceholder {     int index = 0;     NSMutableString *dots = @"".mutableCopy;     while (index < self.text.length)     { [dots appendString:@"•"]; index++; }     return dots; }   @end 

May be augmented to work with non NIB instantiations, handling default values, etc, but you probably get the idea.

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Geri Borbás Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Geri Borbás

For those having trouble with losing custom fonts when toggling secureTextEntry, I found a work-around (I'm using the iOS 8.4 SDK). I was trying to make a toggle for showing/hiding a password in a UITextField. Every time I'd toggle secureTextEntry = NO my custom font got borked, and only the last character showed the correct font. Something funky is definitely going on with this, but here's my solution:

-(void)showPassword {     [self.textField resignFirstResponder];     self.textField.secureTextEntry = NO; } 

First responder needs to be resigned for some reason. You don't seem to need to resign the first responder when setting secureTextEntry to YES, only when setting to NO.

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Joshua Haines Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Joshua Haines