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UITableViewController - disable selection

How can the ability to select cells in a Cocoa Touch TableView be completely disabled?

I have managed to get my code to a state where selection seems not possible, but if you hold your finger on a cell for a moment or two it will turn blue (selected) until you move off it.

How can it be completely disabled?

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Nippysaurus Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 02:08


People also ask

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If you want to disable selection for just some of the cells, use: cell. userInteractionEnabled = NO; As well as preventing selection, this also stops tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: being called for the cells that have it set.

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To hide UITableViewCell separator completely, simply set it's colour to UIColor. clearColor(). This will make the cell separator not visible.

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A view that presents data using rows in a single column.

2 Answers

See the allowsSelection property of UITableView.

myTableView.allowsSelection = NO;
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imaginaryboy Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 20:12


from the apple documentation on Gesture Recognizers

Generally, a window delivers UITouch objects (packaged in UIEvent objects) to a gesture recognizer before it delivers them to the attached hit-test view. But there are some subtle detours and dead-ends in this general delivery path that depend on whether a gesture is recognized. You can alter this delivery path to suit the requirements of your application.

so... I haven't actually implemented this, but have done some reading on it... It might be a possible solution

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Aaron Saunders Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 21:12

Aaron Saunders