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UITableView height based on number of cells

I have a UITableView with a variable number of rows (cells) - the height of these rows is constant. What I would like is to make the height of the UITableView depend on the number of rows.

Also, I would like the UITableView to be exactly wrapping the cells, so no padding at the bottom. So if a cell has height 60, tableview should be 60 for one cell, 120 for two cells, etc...

Thanks in advance!

like image 790
Christian-G Avatar asked Oct 21 '12 20:10


People also ask

How can I get UITableView height?

Use contentSize. height property of UITableView . I think you want to set the whole tableview with content size and then set the scrollview size related content of UITableView and for this use bellow code... After add data or reloadData in UITableView just set bellow code..

1 Answers

You could access your data source to find the number of cells that will be displayed. Multiply this number by the height of one row and you get the height of the entire table view. To change the height of a table view, you can change its frame property.

You can access the (constant) height of one row of your table view by accessing its rowHeight property. If you fill your table view with the objects of an array called myArray, you could use the following code:

CGFloat height = self.tableView.rowHeight;
height *= myArray.count;

CGRect tableFrame = self.tableView.frame;
tableFrame.size.height = height;
self.tableView.frame = tableFrame;

You could also find out how many rows the table view will contain by asking the table view itself, instead of the data object. Something like this should work:

NSInteger numberOfCells = 0;

//finding the number of cells in your table view by looping through its sections
for (NSInteger section = 0; section < [self numberOfSectionsInTableView:self.tableView]; section++)
    numberOfCells += [self tableView:self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection:section];

CGFloat height = numberOfCells * self.tableView.rowHeight;

CGRect tableFrame = self.tableView.frame;
tableFrame.size.height = height;
self.tableView.frame = tableFrame;

//then the tableView must be redrawn
[self.tableView setNeedsDisplay];
like image 78
Tim Vermeulen Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Tim Vermeulen