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UITableView: changing footer view's size programmatically doesn't work


My table view's footer is a view that shows some tweets from a user, so I do not know its height until I got the tweets, I created a FooterViewController that has a method refreshTweets, I add it in viewDidLoad:

FooterViewController *controller = [[FooterViewController alloc] initWithNibName...]; [[self tableView] setFooterView:[controller view]]; [controller refreshTweets]; 

in refreshTweets method, I read tweets and calculate the total height, and reset view(the footer)'s height:

self.view.frame = newFrame; 

but it does not make sense, the footer's height is still the height I set in Interface Builder, is there anything missing or any alternative way of doing this?


edit: I can change the view's size to be small enough in interface builder, and it will be enlarged after calculating tweets' height and setting view.frame, but the table view still thinks its footer has previous height, that is, the extra space is outside of the tableview and I can only see it if I drag the table up.

like image 989
hzxu Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 23:07


1 Answers

myTable.tableFooterView = myFooterView; 

Re-assign your footer view to the table. The table will recognize it has a new footer and re-do whatever layout needs to occur for the proper size of the footer.

like image 120
DBD Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09