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UITabBarItem with custom title color and images

I`m trying to customize my TabBar in xcode,ios, however I just found ppl saying that this is not customizable! also, i did find some sort of solutions, but none of them are working for me.

Pretty much I want to change the UITabBarItem title(text) color, and also change the 2 images inside it, the normal one and the selected one!

I tried to iterate inside my UITabBar subviews to see if I find something, but any success:

for (UIView *view in [self.tabBarController tabBar].subviews) 
    NSLog(@"Class: %@",[view class]);


the output of this was:

2011-05-18 18:15:24.031 EventApp[52235:207] Class: UIImageView
2011-05-18 18:15:24.032 EventApp[52235:207] Class: UITabBarButton
2011-05-18 18:15:24.032 EventApp[52235:207] Class: UITabBarButton
2011-05-18 18:15:24.033 EventApp[52235:207] Class: UITabBarButton
2011-05-18 18:15:24.033 EventApp[52235:207] Class: UITabBarButton
2011-05-18 18:15:24.034 EventApp[52235:207] Class: UITabBarButton

and I cannot import that UITabBarButton obj to work with it!

Some solution for that?! also I posted some links bellow which I`ve looked, but didnt work!

Custom UITabBarItem Image/Title on iPhone

changing text color of uitabbaritem

EDIT What I wanna do is somethink like the follow: enter image description here

like image 975
Arthur Neves Avatar asked May 18 '11 22:05

Arthur Neves

2 Answers

In iOS 5.0 and newer, you can Customize UITabBar's Appearance by changing the tint color, the background image and the selection indicator, to make them look the way you like.

You can also customize the individual UITabBarItems, by invoking the setFinishedSelectedImage:withFinishedUnselectedImage: method with finished selected and unselected images as parameters.

Alternatively, modifying the appearance proxy of UITabBar allows you to change the aspect of all its instances.

like image 57
luvieere Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09


And I'm one of the people that says that it really doesn't work. You have to reimplement the whole functionality in a Custom UIViewController which acts as a UITabBar replacement.

Just like Twitter for iPhone or Tweetbot did.

enter image description here

like image 27
Henrik P. Hessel Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Henrik P. Hessel