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UISearchBar cancel button not responding

I have implemented searchbar which shows cancel button once user has focus in searchbar. For this I have written searchBar.showsCancelButton = YES; in my searchBarTextDidBeginEditing method. In searchBarSearchButtonClicked, I resign the keyboard so that user can view full tableview.

Problem: At this point the searchbar cancel button is not responding. It only responds once searchbar gets focus again. Is this the default property of search bars cancel button or am I missing something in my code. I want to use cancel button without giving the focus in searchbar again.

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JiteshW Avatar asked Feb 15 '13 07:02


3 Answers

This is search bar cancel button's default behaviour. If you want other functionality, you can just uncheck cancelbutton property for search bar and can use UIButton as cancel button.

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Baby Groot Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 03:11

Baby Groot

Yes you can make your UISearchBar cancel button responding. By default it is disable but your can access it's sub view and then set enable to cancel button.

for (id object in [mySearchBar subviews])
    if ([object isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]])
        UIButton *searchBarCancelBtn = (UIButton*)object;
        [searchBarCancelBtn setEnabled:YES];

Follow this answer if you want some other logic Custom clear button in UISearchBar text field

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Rajneesh071 Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 04:11


I think its a default behavior of UISearchBar when it gets focus then and only then the cancel button will be enabled. You cannot get cancel button event of UISearchBar when it has no focus.

So My suggession to achieve your task is,

  • Create a ToolBar
  • Insert UIBarButtonItem with custom view as UISearchBar
  • Insert UIBarButtonItem named "Cancel" with action
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iNeal Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 03:11
