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UIBezierPath round edges?

Im drawing some lines and I noticed that when the edges get at a certain angle it generates a sharp edge like this: pointy edge

What I want it to draw: round edge

How do I do this? I have looked through the documentations but I dont seem to find anything im looking for. Or is there a way to turn that auto-edge-generating off?

like image 893
Arbitur Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 23:08


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When the edges are rounded instead, they are called bullnosed. Special tools such as chamfer mills and chamfer planes are sometimes used.

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1 Answers

kCGLineJoinRound property on a UIBezierPath can be called in Swift by:

myPath.lineJoinStyle = .round
like image 153
Aaron Halvorsen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Aaron Halvorsen