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UIAlertView like "Turn On Location Services to allow maps to determine your location". Settings + Cancel


People also ask

How do I make it so I can't turn off location services?

You can control what location information your phone can use. Open your phone's Settings app. Under "Personal," tap Location access. At the top of the screen, turn Access to my location on or off.

Should location services be turned on or off?

2. Turn off GPS. There are ways your device could still be tracked even after turning off location services but not turning it off is worse. Turning off location services on your phone provides a layer of security against the most common location trackers.

How do I stop Apple location from working?

To stop sharing your location with all apps and services, for even a short period of time, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and turn off location sharing. This stops all apps on your device, such as Maps, from using your location.

I Want to emit this alert:

Turn On Location Services to allow maps to determine your location

I need both "Settings" and "Cancel" exactly like the "maps" application.

"Settings" should open settings->general->location services

I didn't find the way to open the settings page.

Can you help me?
