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UI Terminology - Enabled vs. Active

When designing a feature that can be accessed by different user levels, I'm wondering how the use of "enabled" versus "active" will work. If I'm an administrator, it means I have the ability to turn on and off a feature. Does this mean the feature is enabled for me or active? Once I turn this feature on, is it then enabled or active? Terminology is the pits.

On the subject, does anyone know of a reference book or site dedicated to questions regarding standard terminology for UIs? Thanks a million!

like image 835
Pamela Avatar asked May 20 '10 19:05


1 Answers

Enabled = "can respond to events" or "on"

Active = "has focus" or "current item"

like image 66
Bob Kaufman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Bob Kaufman