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UI-router, use stateparams in service

I have this state:

    url: '/category',
      category: ['CategoryLoader', function(CategoryLoader){
        return new CategoryLoader();

This is my service which I resolve.

.factory('CategoryLoader',['Category', '$state', '$q',
  function(Category, $state, $q){
    return function(){
      var delay = $q.defer();
      Category.get({cat_id:$state.params.id}, //not working
         //delay.reject('Unable to fetch category ' + $state.params.cat_id)
      return delay.promise;

Everything works if I change $state.params.id to a number. If I console the $state in my service, I get everything, including params. But I can't seem to be using it. It should be equiliant to use $route.current.params.id, which I've used in other projects. How do I do the same thing with ui-router?

Update: some more info

Parent state:

    abstract: true,
    url: '/admin',

Category factory:

  factory('Category', function($resource){
    return $resource('/api/category/byId/:id/', {id: '@id'});

I'll put together a fiddle if necassary

like image 747
Joe Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 22:02


1 Answers

The issue I see here is that you are trying to access the $stateParams before the state is ready. There are several events that happen when changing states.

First is $stateChangeStart where you are notified of the state you are changing to and coming from as well as all of the params in both states.

After this, the resolve starts to happen. The resolve in your case is calling a function that uses $stateParams

After everything is resolved and good (no rejections or errors), and just prior to the $stateChangeSuccess event, the state params are updated in the $stateParams object.

Basically, you cannot access the params for the state you are changing to via the $stateParams object until after the state change is completed. This is done in case the state change is rejected and cannot be changed. In this case, the previous state remains and the previous state's params will be in $stateParams.

As a quick work-around, you can use the $stateChangeStart event to access the toParams (the params for the state you are changing to) and put them somewhere ($rootScope, or a service) so you can access them when you need them.

Here is a quick example with $rootScope

.run(['$rootScope', function($rootScope){
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
        $rootScope.toParams = toParams;

.factory('CategoryLoader',['$rootScope', 'Category', '$q',
  function($rootScope, Category, $q){
    return function(){
      var delay = $q.defer();
      Category.get({cat_id: $rootScope.toParams.id}, // <-- notice its using the object we put in $rootScope, not $state or $stateParams
         //delay.reject('Unable to fetch category ' + $state.params.cat_id)
      return delay.promise;

Also, I believe your resource is not setup to correctly use the id you are passing. You were using cat_id above, in order to link it to the :id of the URL, you would have to map it as `{id: '@cat_id'}

factory('Category', function($resource){
    return $resource('/api/category/byId/:id/', {id: '@cat_id'});
like image 54
TheSharpieOne Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 09:02
