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UI-Router : Prevent access to parent state

I am moving to UI-Router as my App router. I want to have nested state as below:

.state('app', {
      url: '/app',
      template: ' <div ui-view></div>',
      authenticate: true
.state('app.state1', {
      url: '/state1',
      templateUrl: 'app/state1.html',
      controller: 'State1Ctrl',
      controllerAs: 'state1',
      authenticate: true
.state('app.state2', {
      url: '/state2',
      templateUrl: 'app/state2.html',
      controller: 'State2Ctrl',
      authenticate: true

My $state called app is the parent of others. It only consists of a <div ui-view></div> template. It should not be accessible directly. I mean if a user enters /app in the URL, they should be redirected to `app.state1``

How can I prevent my users of doing this ?

like image 460
Alex Grs Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 16:03

Alex Grs

1 Answers

There is a working example

Make your state abstract:

  .state('app', {
      url: '/app',
      abstract: true, // here
      template: ' <div ui-view></div>',
      authenticate: true

And add some default redirections:

  $urlRouterProvider.when('/app', '/app/state1');

The first 2 links below will redirect to 'app.state1'

<a href="#/app"> // will be redirected to state1
<a href="#/app/state1">
<a href="#/app/state2">

The doc about $stateProvider:

abstract (optional) boolean

An abstract state will never be directly activated, but can provide inherited properties to its common children states.

Check it here

like image 177
Radim Köhler Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 17:03

Radim Köhler