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UI GRID insanely fast vertical scroll issue

I used UI Grid in my project and below is a snapshot of the gridOptions variable that I used. The Problem is everything was working fine. But from past 1 or 2 weeks the vertical scroll is insanely scrolling on just a single scroll. Since multiSelect is set to true the clients are unable to check/select specific records the scrollbar scrolls insanely (this happens when user scrolls just once) and the scrollbar reaches to the bottom of the table.

Version : ui-grid - v3.2.1

this.gridOptions = {
      appScopeProvider: this,
      infiniteScrollRowsFromEnd: 20,
      enableSelectAll: true,
      multiSelect: true,
      enableColumnResizing: true,
      saveScroll: false,
      saveFocus: false,
      saveGrouping: false,
      enableFiltering: true,
      saveGroupingExpandedStates: false,
      saveTreeView: false,
      infiniteScrollDown: true,
      useExternalFiltering: false,
      useExternalSorting: false,
      enableCellEditOnFocus: false,
      enableCellEdit: false,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableFullRowSelection: true,
      enableGridMenu: true,
      enableSorting: true,
      exporterCsvFilename: 'ClientResults.csv',
      exporterCsvLinkElement: angular

      //sorry cant share other code

Can anyone help whats wrong.

PS: There are total 2000+ records in the table. Also this happens only in chrome and behaves normal in Firefox.

like image 353
digender mahara Avatar asked Feb 13 '17 12:02

digender mahara

1 Answers

For anyone wondering how to solve this without upgrading ui-grid, this fixed my issue on ui-grid 3.1.1:

Add this to your css:

.ui-grid-viewport {
    overflow-anchor: none;


like image 93
Travis Heeter Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Travis Heeter