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UDP Broadcast Address




I have seen some say UDPSocket Broadcast to

1)What so special about this

   127.*.*.*` network?

2)If I have client systems that are not in this 127.*.*.* network and I don't know what network they are on then what broadcast address I should use so the client can receive the message.

3)During the UDP Broadcast, I guess the Server address is Not important because it's a connectionless transmission?

like image 781
lilzz Avatar asked Oct 03 '22 21:10


1 Answers

  1. is a special address block that's reserved for loopback to the same machine, it should never be the address of a real network interface. In particular, is the default localhost address (look at the lo0 interface on a Unix machine).

  2. You should never have client systems in the 127/8 network. I don't think could be intended to send to the network, it should only be for sending to the local machine.

  3. If necessary, the client can get the server address when it receives the response. It can then use this to keep communicating with that server.

like image 73
Barmar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
