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Typical domain mapping requirement

I have a website hosted to root domain say www.example.com. Can I do the mapping as follows-

www.example.com/portal1 mapped to www.portal1.com
www.example.com/poral2 mapped to www.portal2.com
www.example.com/portal1/product/product1-> www.portal1.com/product/product1
www.example.com/portal2/product/product1-> www.portal2.com/product/product1

Please note that all the urls mentioned on left hand side are working correctly (mapping is done). Portals are variable so there can be n number of such portals.

Thanks in advance for help

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Sumit Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 18:10


1 Answers

You cannot do the following mapping with DNS servers, those servers handle domain name only. e.g. www.example.com -> www.portal2.com or example.com -> www.example.com

But you can do this mapping with 301 redirects.

This question is a little bit similar.

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Jack Wire Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 20:01

Jack Wire