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TypeScript typeof Function return value



Admit I have a function like this

const createPerson = () => ({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }) 

How can I, without declaring an interface or a type before declaring createPerson, get the return value type?

Something like this:

type Person = typeof createPerson() 

Example Scenario

I have a Redux container that maps state and dispatch actions to props of a component.


import { CounterState } from 'reducers/counter'  // ... Here I also defined MappedState and mapStateToProps  // The interface I would like to remove interface MappedDispatch {   increment: () => any }  // And get the return value type of this function const mapDispatchToProps =   (dispatch: Dispatch<State>): MappedDispatch => ({     increment: () => dispatch(increment)   })  // To export it here instead of MappedDispatch export type MappedProps = MappedState & MappedDispatch export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Counter) 


import { MappedProps } from 'containers/Counter'  export default (props: MappedProps) => (   <div>     <h1>Counter</h1>     <p>{props.value}</p>     <button onClick={props.increment}>+</button>   </div> ) 

I want to be able to export the type of mapDispatchToProps without having to create MappedDispatch interface.

I reduced the code here, but it makes me type the same thing two times.

like image 371
kube Avatar asked Nov 14 '16 13:11


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Function return type used when we return value from the function. We can return any type of value from the function or nothing at all from the function in TypeScript. Some of the return types is a string, number, object or any, etc. If we do not return the expected value from the function, then we will have an error and exception.

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1 Answers

Original Post

TypeScript < 2.8

I created a little library that permits a workaround, until a fully declarative way is added to TypeScript:


Also created an issue on Github, asking for Generic Types Inference, that would permit a fully declarative way to do this:


Update February 2018

TypeScript 2.8

TypeScript 2.8 introduced a new static type ReturnType which permits to achieve that:


You can now easily get the return type of a function in a fully declarative way:

const createPerson = () => ({   firstName: 'John',   lastName: 'Doe' })  type Person = ReturnType<typeof createPerson> 
like image 93
kube Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
