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Typescript promise generic type

I've a sample Promise function like below. On success I return a number and on false I return string. The compiler is complaining to specify some kind of generic type to the promise. In this case what type I've to specify? Do I've to specify like Promise<number> or Promise<number | string>?

function test(arg: string): Promise {     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {         if (arg === "a") {             resolve(1);         } else {             reject("1");         }     }); } 
like image 586
VJAI Avatar asked Dec 10 '16 18:12


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In TypeScript, promise type takes an inner function, which further accepts resolve and rejects as parameters. Promise accepts a callback function as parameters, and in turn, the callback function accepts two other parameters, resolve and reject. If the condition is true, then resolve is returned; else, returns reject.

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Generics allow creating 'type variables' which can be used to create classes, functions & type aliases that don't need to explicitly define the types that they use. Generics makes it easier to write reusable code.

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TypeScript supports generic classes. The generic type parameter is specified in angle brackets after the name of the class. A generic class can have generic fields (member variables) or methods.

1 Answers

The generic type of the Promise should correspond to the non-error return-type of the function. The error is implicitly of type any and is not specified in the Promise generic type.

So for example:

function test(arg: string): Promise<number> {     return new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {         if (arg === "a") {             resolve(1);         } else {             reject("1");         }     }); } 
like image 136
Dave Templin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Dave Templin