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TypeScript + NodeJS readline property missing

I'm working on a small project in TypeScript with tsc -v 2.4.2 and Node v6.10.3.

I would like to capture keypresses in the CLI, so I tried to import * as readline from 'readline' and then later use readline.emitKeyPressEvents(process.stdin), but it complains that the property emitKeyPressEvents is not found on typeof readline.

I have also done npm install --save @types/node.

Here's a M(N)WE:

import * as readline from "readline";
import {SIGINT} from "constants";

export class InputManager
    private _currentStates: Array<IKeyEntity>;
    private _oldStates: Array<IKeyEntity>;

    public constructor()
        // Throws error, won't compile

    public handleInput()
        if (process.stdin.isTTY)

        process.stdin.on('keypress', (str: string, key: any) => {
            process.stdout.write('Handling keypress ['+str+']');

            if (key && key.ctrl && (key.name == 'c' || key.name == 'l'))
                process.kill(process.pid, SIGINT);
like image 804
Mori no Ando Avatar asked Sep 13 '17 21:09

Mori no Ando

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1 Answers

The method is indeed missing from the node typings. Its correct name is actually emitKeypressEvents (with a lower-case p), but that one is also missing. I assume this is a simple oversight, so I've submitted a PR with the addition to DefinitelyTyped. This might take a while to process (around a week, if all goes well), but in the mean time you can type check your code by adding a local declaration to the file containing InputManager:

declare module 'readline' {
  export function emitKeypressEvents(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, interface?: ReadLine): void;
like image 188
Oblosys Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 07:10
