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Typescript: Merge two types/interfaces and keep all generics valid

I want to merge two types and also keep the generics valid. for example

Type 1

interface Request<P extends core.Params = core.ParamsDictionary, ResBody = any, ReqBody = any, ReqQuery = core.Query> extends core.Request<P, ResBody, ReqBody, ReqQuery> { }

Type 2

type Auth = {
  user: User

I want my new type to be a merge of these two, where the type can receive all those generics.

Right now I am just merging them, but then I am not able to use generics of the Request type.

Currently I am just merging these two.

export type Merge<FirstType, SecondType> = Omit<FirstType, keyof SecondType> & SecondType;

Of course I can do all this manually, but this case is repeating in my project, I want a utility method which can do this for me. For example

MergeWithGenerics<Request, Body>

Where the new type keeps all generics of the first arg.

I don't know if its possible or not, but it would be really great if someone can help me with this.

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Sarmad Shah Avatar asked Apr 24 '20 12:04

Sarmad Shah

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1 Answers

You can't pass a generic type (without parameters) to another generic type.

interface Generic<P> { }
type Id<T> = T
type G = Id<Generic>; // Generic type 'Generic<P>' requires 1 type argument(s).(2314)

That being said, your definition of Merge seems to be a pretty good shorthand for what you're trying to do. Merge<Request<Params, ResBody, ReqBody, Query> & Auth> doesn't seems a lot bigger then RequestWithAuth<Params, ResBody, ReqBody, Query>.

A variation of the proposal from @leonardfactory, might also simplify a bit:

 type ExtendedRequest<Extension, P, TRes, TReq, TQuery> = Merge<Request<P, TRes, TReq, TQuery>, Extension>
like image 80
Tiberiu Maran Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 08:10

Tiberiu Maran