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TypeScript: is there a way to extends multiple interfaces and merge identical properties?

I have two interfaces A and B and they have one property in common

interface A {
  a: boolean;
  b: number;
  c: string;
  d: boolean;

interface B {
  d: string;

interface C extends A,B {}

Ideally I want C to be

  a: boolean;
  b: number;
  c: string;
  d: boolean | string; <- merged

Is there a way to do that? I know I can use Pick to left out the identical key and then extends it but is there any other way to do it?

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Joji Avatar asked Sep 04 '20 05:09


Video Answer

2 Answers

Since A and B conflict, I believe you can't combine them. If you know what the conflicting keys are, you can omit them when declaring C:

interface A {
  a: boolean;
  b: number;
  c: string;
  d: boolean;

interface B {
  d: string;

interface C extends Omit<A, 'd'>, Omit<B, 'd'> {
  d: string | boolean

let c: C = {
  a: true, b: 3, c: 'a', d: 'a'
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xavdid Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09


Here you go:

type Merge<X, Y> = {
    [K in (keyof X | keyof Y)]:
        (K extends keyof X ? X[K] : never)
        | (K extends keyof Y ? Y[K] : never)

Example usage:

interface A {
  a: boolean;
  b: number;
  c: string;
  d: boolean;

interface B {
  d: string;

type C = Merge<A, B>;
// Result:
type C = {
    a: boolean;
    b: number;
    c: string;
    d: string | boolean;

Playground Link

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Mingwei Samuel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Mingwei Samuel