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Typescript: How to use a generic parameter as object key

Is it possible to write an interface that accepts a string constant as one of its parameters, and uses that as the key of an object?

For instance, assuming I make two different GraphQL requests, both of which return a User, but under different key names:

const userByIdResult = {
  data: {
    userById: {
       id: 123,
       username: 'joseph'

const userByUsernameResult = {
  data: {
    userByUsername: {
       id: 123,
       username: 'joseph'

I would imagine writing a generic interface would go something like this:

interface GraphQLResponse<QueryKey, ResponseType> {
  data: {
    [QueryKey]: ResponseType

interface User {
    username: string
    id: string

type UserByIdResponse = GraphQLResponse<'userById', User>
type UserByUsernameResponse = GraphQLResponse<'userByUsername', User>

But, this doesn't work.

like image 505
Good Idea Avatar asked Jun 02 '19 22:06

Good Idea

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1 Answers

You're close. This falls under the category of Mapped Types. You need to make two changes:

  1. QueryKey extends string
  2. key in QueryKey
interface GraphQLResponse<QueryKey extends string, ResponseType> {
    data: {
        [key in QueryKey]: ResponseType;

interface User {
    username: string;
    id: number;

type UserByIdResponse = GraphQLResponse<'userById', User>;
type UserByUsernameResponse = GraphQLResponse<'userByUsername', User>;

Example Usage

const userByIdResult: UserByIdResponse = {
    data: {
        userById: {
            id: 123,
            username: 'joseph'

const userByUsernameResult: UserByUsernameResponse = {
    data: {
        userByUsername: {
            id: 123,
            username: 'joseph'

const userByIdResultBoom: UserByIdResponse = {
    data: {
        userByUsername: {
            id: 123,
            username: 'joseph'
like image 168
Shaun Luttin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Shaun Luttin