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Typescript declare third party module locally

I'm building a typescript project and using a non-typescript lib call 'draggabilly';

So I'm trying to declare it by myself.

Here is the file structure:

├── @types
   └── draggabilly
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── README.md
├── src
   ├── index.ts
   └── application.ts
└── tsconfig.json


import * as Draggabilly from 'draggabilly';

new Draggabilly('#dragItem', {
  // options...


it's showing that

Could not find a declaration file for module 'draggabilly'. '/node_modules/draggabilly/draggabilly.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.

So I try to create the local declaration file: @types/draggabilly/index.d.ts:

export as namespace draggabilly;

export = Draggabilly;

declare class Draggabilly {
  constructor(selector: string, options: any);

then include the types path in tsconfig.json:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "typeRoots": [

But the error still there. So I want to know what's wrong here and what's the correct way to build the third party module declare file locally

I created a demonstration repository for this question on github: https://github.com/ZheFeng/test-ts-types

The issue is not only about how we define inside the .d.ts file, but also the typescript could not find a declaration file at all.

like image 978
Zhe Avatar asked Feb 27 '17 01:02


People also ask

How do I declare a module in TypeScript?

We can declare a module by using the export keyword. The syntax for the module declaration is given below. We can use the declare module in other files by using an import keyword, which looks like below. The file/module name is specified without an extension.

How do I add a declaration file to a module?

Just create a file named typings. d. ts in the root directory of your project. Inside this file just add declare module <module_name> .

How do I compile a module in TypeScript?

To get the JavaScript files for the TypeScript modules, we need to compile modules using TypeScript compiler. Compilation of a module depends on the target environment you are aiming for. The TypeScript compiler generates the JavaScript code based on the module target option specified during compilation.

1 Answers

The problem is in the line export = Draggabilly; -- you have to use the TypeScript-specific syntax import let = require("module") to import it:

From the TypeScript documentation:

When importing a module using export =, TypeScript-specific import let = require("module") must be used to import the module.

So your import should be:

import Draggabilly = require("draggabilly");

If you want to use ES6-style import, you can modify your index.d.ts like below:
export as namespace draggabilly;

export class Draggabilly {
  constructor(selector: string, options: any);

... and import it like this:

import * as draggabilly from 'draggabilly';

new draggabilly.Draggabilly('#dragItem', {
  // options...
like image 66
Saravana Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
