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Typescript class.default is not a constructor

Creating an Angular2 app, I am facing the following problem, when calling the constructor of another class inside the constructor of first class.

First Class code

import SecondClass from './second-class'

export class FirstClass {

    constructor(firstClass?: FirstClass) {
        secondClass= new SecondClass;

Second Class code:

export class SecondClass {

    constructor(secondClass?:SecondClass) {

Would give me the error: ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: TypeError: second_class_1.default is not a constructor

Content of ./second-class

System.register([], function(exports_1, context_1) {
    "use strict";
    var __moduleName = context_1 && context_1.id;
    var SecondClass;
    return {
        execute: function() {
            SecondClass = (function () {
                function SecondClass(secondClass) {
                return SecondClass;
            exports_1("SecondClass", SecondClass);
//# sourceMappingURL=second-class.js.map

This is the compiled output from Typescript compiler

like image 378
Nandan Phadke Avatar asked Apr 24 '16 21:04

Nandan Phadke

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1 Answers

There are some errors in the code :

  • missing {} from import

  • missing () from calling the constructor

  • missing this from accessing Class members

First Class code

import {SecondClass} from './second-class'

export class FirstClass {

    constructor(firstClass?: FirstClass) {
        this.secondClass= new SecondClass();

Second Class code:

export class SecondClass {

    constructor(secondClass?:SecondClass) {
like image 95
tibbus Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
