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TypeScript @types version related to Library version

Can anyone explain the versioning behind TypeScript @types https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped

For example: I assumed that if I was using [email protected] then I would been to install @types/[email protected].

Howerver, this version does not exist. It get worse. for example, [email protected] and @types/[email protected]. What does that mean? What version is this targeting?

How, can I make sure that I'm installing the correct version of the Types for the library version?

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Garry Taylor Avatar asked Jun 30 '17 14:06

Garry Taylor

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1 Answers

Unfortionaly it may be just a "doing it wrong" matter. Generally, It's a good practice to give the @types version the same version of the library itself. But regarding the patch part of the semantic version, it will differ in most cases.

Possible causes why versions may differ:

  1. There are no updates in types so the library has been patched for example but the @types one hasn't.
  2. @types library is not well maintained.
  3. @types library has many bugs and patches.

Nice to mention:

You can definitely contribute to any @types library and help to keep it well versioned.

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Mouneer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
