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TypeScript 1.3 protected error

Recently installed new TS version into VS2013 and tried to use protected modifier. However TS validator shows me an error (and underlines protected word with a red line. I get an error like

Use of future reserver word. ; expected

looks like it's looking into old TS definitions. Checked the project file and there is 1.1 version of TypeScript. also running tsc -v produces 1.3.0.

Does somebody of you guys experience that? What i'm missing and what to do to fix that.

Thank you a lot for any help.enter image description here

export class SomeClass {
    protected metadata: Metadata;
    protected subItems: SomeClass[];
    constructor() {
like image 401
Romko Avatar asked Nov 14 '14 11:11


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2 Answers

thank you all guys. for your answers! the reason was (oh, what's the shame =) ) the ReSharper. It's validation was showing that error, suspending it i'm getting no errors now. Looks like JetBrains guys should update their definitions like Web Essentials did. As they aren't compatible with new TS version, 1.3. And no updates pending as for now.

Hope, it'll be useful for somebody else.

like image 137
Romko Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


The answer to your question then is ReSharper 9.0 EAP. It supports TypeScript 1.3 features: 'protected' modifier and tuples. You're welcome to try it. Though, yes, it's a pre-release version, so overall stability is not strictly guaranteed.

like image 37
Anton Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09
