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Types of Thread Pools in java [closed]


People also ask

How many type of thread pool do we have?

We can create the following 5 types of thread pool executors with pre-built methods in java. util. concurrent.

What is fixed thread pool?

In the case of a thread pool, a group of fixed-size threads is created. A thread from the thread pool is pulled out and assigned a job by the service provider. After completion of the job, the thread is contained in the thread pool again.

What happens when thread pool is full?

By default, the MaxThreads of the ThreadPool is very high. Usually you'll never get there, your app will crash first. So when all threads are busy the new tasks are queued and slowly, at most 1 per 500 ms, the TP will allocate new threads.

Why do we need ThreadPool?

A thread pool helps mitigate the issue of performance by reducing the number of threads needed and managing their lifecycle. Essentially, threads are kept in the thread pool until they're needed, after which they execute the task and return the pool to be reused later.

What are the types of thread pools in java. I need to implement a robust multi-threaded application which uses heavy computation, which thread pool should I use?