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typeof foo['bar'] !== 'undefined' vs. 'bar' in foo



What's the difference between the return values of these two expressions...

Expression 1: typeof foo['bar'] !== 'undefined'

Expression 2: 'bar' in foo

... assuming that these conditions are met:

  1. foo is an object,
  2. foo does not contain any properties that have the value undefined set explicitly.
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Šime Vidas Avatar asked Mar 25 '11 15:03

Šime Vidas

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2 Answers

The first tests the value of bar in foo.

The second tests for the existence of the bar property in foo.

var foo = {bar:undefined};

typeof foo['bar'] !== 'undefined'; // false

'bar' in foo;  // true


To add some clarification from the comments below, the issue OP is having is that accessing the domConfig property of window.document throws an Error.

This is an issue not related to the typeof operator, but rather to a specific issue with Firefox.

The issue has been documented here as a bug (back in 2003).

A few notable comments from that report:

Zbigniew Braniecki [:gandalf] 2003-11-19 09:09:31 PST

then why it can be iterated with for-in ?

Boris Zbarsky (:bz) 2003-11-19 09:24:05 PST

Because it is defined as a property on the nsIDOM3Document interface. It's just one that throws if you try to access its getter. ...

Zbigniew Braniecki [:gandalf] 2003-11-19 09:33:53 PST

... So what kind of bug is it?

The goal is to remove not implemented method/property from interface or to implement it?!?

Boris Zbarsky (:bz) 2003-11-19 09:53:23 PST

The goal is to eventually implement this.

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user113716 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09


My reading of the spec suggests that they should be the same. The "in" operator semantics are defined in terms of making a call to the internal (conceptual) [[HasProperty]] method, which itself is defined in terms of [[GetProperty]]. When [[HasProperty]] returns "undefined", then the "in" operator results in boolean false; otherwise it's true. Based on the definition of what [[GetProperty]] is supposed to do, that means that an "undefined" result of a property access would have the same meaning.

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Pointy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
