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Typelite POCO Class Generation

Is it possible for Typelite to generate a TypeScript class instead of an interface? Something like:

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }


export class Person
    constructor() {}
    FirstName: string;
    LastName: string;

I'm not looking for any functionality in the generated classes, only an easier way to be able to instantiate classes clientside without having to initialize the entire interface.

For example, I would prefer being able to do this:

var person = new Person();

Instead of

var person = {
    FirstName: null,
    LastName: null
like image 657
bingles Avatar asked Oct 07 '14 14:10


2 Answers

What I did was make a simple adjustment to the tt file, saves you from compiling your own typelite:

<#= definitions.ToString()
.Replace("interface", "export class")
.Replace("declare module", "module") #>
like image 117
Flores Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10


This feature is supported by Reinforced.Typings.

Using attribute

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

or fluent call

public class Configuration
    public static void Configure(ConfigurationBuilder builder) 

will produce following to the output file:

namespace MyApp {
    export class User
        public FirstName: string;
        public LastName : string;
like image 39
Pavel B. Novikov Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10

Pavel B. Novikov