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TypeError: _webpack2.default.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin is not a function



Upgrading to webpack 2 I was faced with this error:

TypeError: _webpack2.default.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin is not a function

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RationalDev likes GoFundMonica Avatar asked Jun 20 '16 06:06

RationalDev likes GoFundMonica

1 Answers

The good news for webpack 2 is:

The plugin is no longer needed and occurrence order is on by default.

Why it was breaking is there was a spelling mistake which has been corrected and removed as a breaking change.

OccurenceOrderPlugin has been renamed to OccurrenceOrderPlugin.

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RationalDev likes GoFundMonica Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

RationalDev likes GoFundMonica