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TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function

Similar to what @KostDM said, in my case it seems like [email protected] doesn't work with [email protected].

I installed [email protected] and it worked like a charm again.

In your package.json:

"sass-loader": "^10",

I had the same problem resolved by downgrading sass-loader to 10.1.1. I am using @vue/cli 4.5.8 that includes [email protected].

From v11.0.0 of sass-loader and v8.0.0 of less-loader, the

minimum supported webpack version is 5

Downgrading the sass-loader to ^10.0.0 worked for me, but on a fresh Nuxt.js CLI application I had to also install Sass with:

npm i sass

To downgrade, you can remove the node_modules folder and to add, run this in your terminal:

npm i sass-loader@10 

This will install the newest 10 version of sass-loader.

And after all, again install all dependencies:

npm i


Sass-loader versions higher than 10 requires webpack 5

For me it helped to downgrade postcss-loader

+ "postcss-loader": "^4.2.0",
- "postcss-loader": "^5.0.0",

Yesterday I found a problem after upgrading sass-loader to the latest version.

If using yarn, you can downgrade sass-loader. Use yarn add sass-loader@^10.1.1 it work.

style-loader v3 also dropped support for Webpack 4.

Your package.json entry should look like this:

"style-loader": "^2.0.0"