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TypeError: pivot_table() got multiple values for keyword argument 'values'

I am using Python2.7. I am learning pandas and was implementing pivot_table. While implementing the example given in pivot_table documentation :

    raw_data = {'A':['foo','foo','foo','foo','foo','bar','bar','bar','bar'],
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)
    df.pivot_table(df,index = ['A','B'], values = 'D',columns = 'C', aggfunc = 'sum')

When run, I get the following error : TypeError: pivot_table() got multiple values for keyword argument 'values'

Can anyone tell why this is happening ?

like image 640
Kumar Gaurav Avatar asked Feb 09 '17 10:02

Kumar Gaurav

1 Answers

You need remove df:

df.pivot_table(df,index = ['A','B'], values = 'D',columns = 'C', aggfunc = 'sum')

a = df.pivot_table(index = ['A','B'], values = 'D',columns = 'C', aggfunc = 'sum')
print (a)
C        large  small
A   B                
bar one    4.0    5.0
    two    7.0    6.0
foo one    4.0    1.0
    two    NaN    6.0
like image 82
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
