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"TypeError": 'list' object is not callable flask




I am trying to show the list of connected devices in browser using flask. I enabled flask on port 8000:

in server.py:

@server.route('/devices',methods = ['GET'])
def status(): 
    return app.stat()

if __name__ == '__main__':

in app.py:

def stat():
    return(glob.glob("/dev/tty57") + glob.glob("/dev/tty9"))

And this is my test:

url = ""

response = requests.get(url + "").text
print response

but I keep getting this error:

"TypeError": 'list' object is not callable.

Am I doing sth wrong in checking if ttyUSB, ... and other devices existing?

like image 948
N45 Avatar asked Dec 22 '14 19:12


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1 Answers

The problem is that your endpoint is returning a list. Flask only likes certain return types. The two that are probably the most common are

  • a Response object
  • a str (along with unicode in Python 2.x)

You can also return any callable, such as a function.

If you want to return a list of devices you have a couple of options. You can return the list as a string

def status():
    return ','.join(app.statusOfDevices())

or you if you want to be able to treat each device as a separate value, you can return a JSON response

from flask.json import jsonify

def status():
    return jsonify({'devices': app.statusOfDevices()})
    # an alternative with a complete Response object
    # return flask.Response(jsonify({'devices': app.statusOfDevices()}), mimetype='application/json')
like image 186
dirn Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10
