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Type hinting when calling arbitrary functions (closures) in PHP




Silex PHP microframework does a callback injection based on the automatic type hinting. For example, in Silex one can supply a Closure argument with arbitrary arguments like so:

$app->get('/blog/show/{postId}/{commentId}', function ($commentId, $postId) {
$app->get('/blog/show/{id}', function (Application $app, Request $request, $id) {
// following works just as well - order of arguments is not important
$app->get('/blog/show/{id}', function (Request $request, Application $app, $id) {

How do I do this? I'm not interested in getting parameter types as strings. I am looking for a "no strings" fully automatic solution. In other words,

  1. For a number of possible arguments:

    $possible_arguments = [
        new Class_A(), 
        new Class_B(), 
        new Class_C(), 
        new Another_Class, 
  2. For a closure with any number of arbitrary arguments, that can only include those defined above only once:

    $closure = function (Class_B $b, Another_Class, $a) {
        // Do something with $a and $b
  3. I need to get only matching arguments in order to call the closure with them:

    // $arguments is now [$possible_arguments[1], $possible_arguments[3]]
    call_user_func_array($closure, $arguments);
like image 790
sanmai Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 03:02


1 Answers

My guess would be using reflection.


Super simple example:

function pre($var)
    echo '<pre>' . var_export($var, true) . '</pre>';

interface TestInterface

class TestClass
    public function __construct(TestInterface $testArg)

function TestFunc(TestInterface $testArg)

// for a class...

$className = 'TestClass';
$methodName = '__construct';

$argNumber = 0;

$ref = new ReflectionParameter([$className, $methodName], $argNumber);


// for a function...
$funcName = 'TestFunc';
$argNumber = 0;

$ref = new ReflectionParameter($funcName, $argNumber);


Another question I found on stackoverflow might be a better answer to your question: PHP Reflection - Get Method Parameter Type As String

like image 88
Supericy Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 03:03
